You need to create an order for a customer and want to know what your options are.
There are a couple of ways to create orders for your customers. You can either order the product for them from your public website, or you can add an order manually via WooCommerce.
To add an order via WooCommerce, do the following.
- Go to: WooCommerce->Orders.
- Click Add New at the top of the page. The Single Order page appears.
- Input customer details, add line items, apply coupons, apply fees and calculate totals.
- Set a status for the new order, e.g., If it needs to be paid, use ‘Pending’.
- Click Save.
Use the Order Actions drop-down to Email order details to the customer with payment instructions.
Note: Adding an order manually has no effect on stock/inventory. You would need to manually subtract or adjust inventory for those items.