How do I connect Printify to my DoJiggy Pro Store?
Your DoJiggy Pro Store comes provisioned with Printify, which allows you to create and sell custom products online without managing inventory. Printify produces your custom-designed items only after they are ordered online and ships them to your constituents.
1. Go to and log into your Printify account (or create one). Then navigate to “Manage My Stores” as shown below, and click Add new store → Connect.
2. Next, input your DoJiggy Pro Store URL, making sure it is exactly as configured by the DoJiggy Support team.
The URL for your Pro Store will be in the following format.
Where HOSTNAME is the sub-host name of your store configured during setup.
If you have a custom domain, the format will be similar to the following:
That’s it – you’ve successfully linked your DoJiggy Pro Store! Now you can publish products to your store and manage all orders from
NOTE: If you have the need for shipping and would like to automatically apply the correct Printify shipping rate to your Printify products, please reach out to our support department and we will configure that for you.
In case you’ve encountered some problems during the integration process, check out this article or get in touch with the Printify Merchant Support team by clicking on the chat bubble on your Printify account dashboard.
Please visit the Printify Help Center for more information.