You would like to know how to access the admin section of WordPress, the "WordPress Dashboard", where you will begin editing your WordPress site.
In this KB we will go over the basics of Logging in and a quick review of the WordPress Dashboard.
Logging in
To access the WordPress dashboard you simply need to add /wp-admin to the end of the URL of your website. For example:
- Type the username and password provided during your account setup.
- Once you login you will be taken to the WordPress dashboard.
- If you need to do a password reset, you can to that by clicking the "Lost your password?" link from the Login page.
The WP Dashboard
The dashboard is essentially your site administration home page which you will see every time you log in. The dash will display basic stats for your site, you can draft a new post, see reminders of what you’ve published recently and check out what’s new with WordPress. Each section of your dashboard can be moved around so you can set things to best suite your needs.
Down the left-hand side of the Dashboard and on every page you will see your main admin navigation menu. This is where you’ll find all the options to update and configure your site.
Hovering your cursor over each of the main menu options will display a ‘fly-out’ menu with the various choices for that particular menu option. Once you click each of the main menu options, that particular menu will expand to show all the available options within that section (if there are any). Please click here for a description of all The Dashboard Admin Menu options.