You would like to know the available administrative permissions and how to limit these permissions for secondary account administrators.
You can limit administrative permissions for secondary account administrators. First you must add the administrator as detailed in this article. If you wish to grant full system access to additional administrators, simply select and grant all permissions.
Below is a list of the administrative permissions available and the corresponding administration pages effected.
Account Setup - Manage global account details
1. Tools -> Payment Settings
2. Tools -> Global Settings
Email - Manage email:
1. Email -> Lists
2. Email -> Compose
3. Email -> Template
1. Events -> Overview
2. Events -> Settings (Basic & Advanced Settings)
3. Events -> Locations
4. Events -> Reg Fees
5. Events -> Course/Flight (Internal Only)
GROUP PERMISSIONS - View permissions for a Group
1. People -> Groups - add groups and group membership
2. People -> Groups - delete groups
3. People -> Groups - update groups and group membership
4. People -> Groups - view groups
1. View order and basic order data: Reports -> Orders, Reports -> Payment Details Report
2. Enter administrative registrations: Account -> Website Admin Mode
3. Delete orders: Reports -> Orders.
4. Add order data to an existing order: Reports -> Orders (cannot edit data)
5. Update order data and payment info: Reports -> Orders (cannot edit data)
6. View payment history and payment data: Reports -> Orders, Reports -> Payment Details Report
1. Tools -> Clear System Data (Participants, groups, products, orders, sponsors).
PARTICIPANTS - Manage participants
1. People -> Participants
2. People -> Groups
3. People -> All
4. People -> Donors
5. People -> Volunteers
MEMBERS - Add members to the system
1. Account -> User Management -> Add New Administrator
2. People -> Participants -> Add Participant
3. People -> Donors -> Add Donors
4. People -> Volunteers -> Add Volunteers
MEMBERS - Delete members from the system
1. Account -> User Management -> Delete
2. People -> Participants -> Delete
3. People -> Donors -> Delete
4. People -> Volunteers -> Delete
5. People -> All -> Delete
MEMBERS - Update member profiles
1. Account -> User Management -> Edit
2. People ->Participants -> Edit
3. People -> Donors -> Edit
4. People -> Volunteers -> Edit
5. People -> All -> Edit
MEMBERS - View member details
1. Account -> User Management -> Edit
2. People ->Participants -> Edit
3. People -> Donors -> Edit
4. People -> Volunteers -> Edit
5. People -> All -> Edit
PRODUCTS - Manage products
1. Products -> All
2. Products -> Donation Request (Non-Pledge Events)
SPONSORS - Manage sponsor/sponsorship data
1. Sponsors -> All
2. Sponsors -> Sponsorships
SUPPORT REQUESTS - Submit Support Requests
1. Help -> Support -> New Support Request
1. Add, update, delete/revoke user permissions: Account -> User Management -> permissions
2. View user permissions: Account -> User Management -> permissions
1. Add system users: Account -> User Management -> Add New Administrator
2. Deletes system users: Account -> User Management -> Delete
3. Update system users: Account -> User Management -> Edit
4. View system users: Account -> User Management
WEBSITE - Manage website settings
1. Website -> Pages
2. Website -> Settings