How do I clone an event and what is cloned? You wish to clone an event, creating a replica of your website for your new event while maintaining historical order and participant data.
Event cloning allows event administrators to clone their existing events into a new, duplicate copy. You can then easily modify the new website while maintaining historical access to the original one. Your event participants & orders will not be cloned - only your website is cloned.
To clone an event, simply go to Events -> Settings and hit the 'Clone this event' button. Complete the new event name and subhost name. The subhost name is required, and will be a part of your new website URL. The subhost name will be the second part of your event website address. Example: The year is the "Subhost name*".
Note: For those who have more than one active event and want to clone:
Go to Events -> Overview. If you have more than one event there, you may also wish to change the 'Default Event' setting to yes on your new event from Events -> Settings, Advanced Settings.
What is cloned?
Here's a complete list of what is cloned:
- Website pages and images.
- Products
- Sponsors - These will be copied over in an Inactive state
- Information in Tools -> Payment Settings (payment processing)
Note: If you are a DoJiggy Payments by WePay client, you will need to Create a New Payment Account after you clone. - Locations - Locations are cloned, but you must associate the location with the new event after cloning.
- Website settings
- Promotion Codes
- Questions
- Custom messages & emails
- Donation plan (for Donations subscriptions)
* The subhost name is always required (we suggest using the current year ie. 2022) but really only critical if you have two events running simultaneously. If you have only one event, it is the default event and your website, regardless of the subhost name, will resolve to