How can I collect for a declined credit card order? You have declined credit card orders and wish to request payment.
Declined credit card transactions are not likely to complete without follow-up on your part.
If an order is Declined the system will send an auto-generated email notification to your constituents 30 minutes after the order is created. This email will include a Payment Retry link that allows them to complete the order. If they complete the order, the order status will change from Declined to Complete (in your admin area - Reports -> Orders).
Requesting Payment
Here is what you can do to request payment on Declined Credit Card orders:
You can send the user a Payment Retry link by email, so that they can complete the payment. To get the Payment Retry link, click on Reports -> Orders. Then for the order you are interested in, click the order number or View.
If the order is Declined there will be an Email Payment Retry... button at the top of the page. This button will allow you to provide a link for users that have not properly completed the order. By clicking on this link, they will be directed to retry the payment.
Deleting Orders
Sometimes, users enter duplicate transactions attempting to get a completed order. Duplicate orders should be deleted.